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至於法定假期,就是大家所講的公眾假期,好像是新年、聖誕、清明、重陽和回歸紀念日等等。假如僱員要在法定假期上班,僱主就要在假期前後的 60天之內補假,還要預早通知,不可以付錢要員工在法定假期上班。如果僱主不准員工在法定假期放假而又沒有補假,就是犯法,最高可以被罰款五萬元。




Statutory holidays

Employment: Holiday/leave

Employees, irrespective of their length of service, are entitled to the following statutory holidays:

  1. The first day of January
  2. Lunar New Year’s Day
  3. The second day of Lunar New Year
  4. The third day of Lunar New Year
  5. Ching Ming Festival
  6. Labour Day, being the first day of May
  7. The Birthday of the Buddha
  8. Tuen Ng Festival
  9. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day, being the first day of July
  10. The day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
  11. Chung Yeung Festival
  12. National Day, being the first day of October
  13. Chinese Winter Solstice Festival or Christmas Day (at the option of the employer)
  14. The first weekday after Christmas Day

If employees are required to work on a statutory holiday, then their employers must give them an alternative holiday within 60 days before or after that statutory holiday with 48 hours’ advance notice.

Employers must NOT make any form of payment to an employee to replace a statutory holiday (or an alternative holiday).

Employers who fail to grant statutory holidays, alternative holidays or substituted holidays, or fail to pay holiday pay to employees are liable to prosecution and, upon conviction, to a fine of $50,000.