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Types of Residential Care Homes by Mode of Subsidy

Care by residential care homes for elderly persons

Choosing the right residential care home for your loved ones is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. In Hong Kong, there are four main types of residential care homes for the elderly , categorized based on the mode of subsidy: subvented homes, contract homes, non-profit-making self-financing homes, and private homes. Each type has its own characteristics and operating models, offering various levels of services and accommodations.


1. Subvented Homes

Subvented homes are institutions subsidized by the Hong Kong government and operated by non-governmental organisations. They provide affordable or even free elderly care services to those in need. Subvented homes are considered relatively safe and reliable due to government regulations.


2. Contract Homes

Contract homes are residential care homes operated by non-profit organizations or private entities through open bidding processes. These homes offer more flexibility in terms of facilities and services.


3. Non-profit-making Self-financing Homes

Non-profit-making self-financing homes are operated by non-profit organizations, aiming to contribute to society rather than generate profits.


4. Private Homes

Private homes are residential care homes operated by private organisations. The government also purchases places from selected private homes through the “Enhanced Bought Place Scheme” and “Nursing Home Place Purchase Scheme” to accommodate elderly residents.


Choosing the right residential care home requires considering the specific needs, preferences, and financial situation of your loved ones. It is essential to visit and evaluate the facilities of the care homes before making a final decision to ensure the best possible care for your beloved seniors.