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Spiritual blessing

E Home 5 Topics 5 Smart Elderly 5 Category: Common con tricks ( Page 2 ) Listen to Audio of this topic (Cantonese only) 行騙手法層出不窮,但其實萬變不離其宗,騙徒往往都利用受害人的貪念或無知去騙人。這一節「長者法網智多聲」,就跟大家說說一些常見的騙案。...

Electronic parts

E Home 5 Topics 5 Smart Elderly 5 Category: Common con tricks ( Page 2 ) Listen to Audio of this topic (Cantonese only) 行騙手法層出不窮,但其實萬變不離其宗,騙徒往往都利用受害人的貪念或無知去騙人。這一節「長者法網智多聲」,就跟大家說說一些常見的騙案。...

Fake medicine

E Home 5 Topics 5 Smart Elderly 5 Category: Common con tricks ( Page 2 ) Listen to Audio of this topic (Cantonese only) 行騙手法層出不窮,但其實萬變不離其宗,騙徒往往都利用受害人的貪念或無知去騙人。這一節「長者法網智多聲」,就跟大家說說一些常見的騙案。...


E Home 5 Topics 5 Smart Elderly 5 Category: Common con tricks ( Page 2 ) Listen to Audio of this topic (Cantonese only) 行騙手法層出不窮,但其實萬變不離其宗,騙徒往往都利用受害人的貪念或無知去騙人。這一節「長者法網智多聲」,就跟大家說說一些常見的騙案。...


E Home 5 Topics 5 Smart Elderly 5 Category: Criminal offences commonly committed by elderly people Listen to Audio of this topic (Cantonese only) 歡迎大家收聽「長者法網智多聲」。相信各位老友記都是奉公守法的好市民,不過為免不慎犯了法,知多一點就更好了。這一節我們會為大家介紹一些長者較常犯的罪行。...